Why You Should Always do an Energy Audit Before Going Solar

Why You Should Always do an Energy Audit Before Going Solar

energy audit kansas city

Are you considering moving over to solar power for your home? Many people faced with high energy bills and concerns about the environment are looking for alternative energy sources like solar to heat and power their homes.

Before you sign on, it’s a great idea to get an energy audit on your home. An energy audit will find areas where energy is consumed the most, where it’s wasted, and areas where you could reduce and save money and energy.

What is an Energy Audit?

When you have an energy audit done, an assessor visits your home to give it an in-depth examination of every room. They check the condition of windows, walls and try to determine what issues could be driving your energy bills up.

The assessor will inspect the insulation, lighting, wiring, vents, window condensation, piping, and test to see how much energy is lost through your doors. It can take up to four hours, depending on the size and how many rooms.

They will find out why your heater or AC is working overtime and see if there are any damages or faulty equipment. They are able to find places your home is using up energy that is not benefiting you.

The Audit Results

Once the audit is complete, you will have a complete understanding of where your home is wasting energy and where it runs more efficiently. Then, you can decide if you are better off just making some improvements and a few upgrades, rather than switching over to solar energy.

A few things you can do on your own are:

  • Upgrade your old appliances to newer, more efficient ones
  • Check your windows and doors for leaks and fix them
  • Replace your attic insulation
  • Replace your old lighting with energy-saving LED bulbs
  • Install smart thermostats you can program to save energy when you are not home
  • Look into high-efficiency water heating systems

Spend Less, Save More

Getting the audit will show you where you can make some easy, often DIY repairs and upgrades to stop the high energy bills and stop wasting energy.

A few small jobs like fixing window leaks or fixing a hot water heater or faulty air conditioner can save you hundreds of dollars over the year. Your home owner’s insurance may even cover it.

A few small adjustments can make a big difference in your home energy use, and its cost and impact on the environment.

If you’d like an energy audit for your house, contact us today!