What to Expect After You’ve Signed the Solar Contract

What to Expect After You’ve Signed the Solar Contract

solar contract kansas city

Congratulations! If you’ve signed a contract for solar panel installation, you’ve taken a big step toward reducing your energy costs and decreasing the impact on the environment of your energy consumption. Here is a timeline for the preparation and installation of your solar panels.

We’ve Signed On, Now What?

After you sign your solar contract things will begin to move pretty quickly. The installation won’t take too long, but there is quite a bit involved.

Site Assessment

The first step is assessment. This will let the contractor know what type of system will be best and how it will fit and where. They need to check your roof, to see if it needs to be reinforced from above or below. They will also evaluate your electrical system to see if it needs to be upgraded.

Plans and Designs

Now come the drawings, designs and plans. Solar engineers will take the data from the site survey and draw up plans for solar panel installation. These need to be submitted to the city or county for approval.

This information also needs to be submitted to the utility company on behalf of the customer to apply for Net-Metering. The utility company usually has 30 days to respond and approve Net-metering.


Once everything has been approved, you will receive permits. Acquiring permits is a very important step. It means everything is okay and that the solar system going on your property will meet all the necessary requirements. Once you have the permits installation can begin.


Now that you have jumped through all the hoops, it’s time to get the solar panels installed. This shouldn’t take more than three days, depending on how big the project is and weather interference.

This all takes place on the roof or exterior of your home and should not cause major irregularities in your daily routine.

Final Inspection

Once your system is in, it needs a final inspection. This may be performed by your city or county and there may be others you need. The utilities have their own inspection and once approved, install the Bi-directional meter. Once they approve the meter, you are good to start saving money.

The utility company has the final sign off with their PTO (Permission to Operate). This just means that your system is fully approved, operational, and okayed to work with your utility provider.

Time Frame

This whole process averages 60-90 days from the day the contract is signed to the day your system is finally installed. The timeline for your Bi-directional meter is installed and turned on is about 90-120 days.


Once the system is up and running, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on things. Make sure there are no issues or concerns that have cropped up since the inspection. If there are any issues, contact your installer.

Go Solar

With new solar panels installed, you should notice a decrease in your energy bills and the impact your energy consumption has on the environment.

If you haven’t yet had solar panels installed on your home but are interested, contact us today!