22 Ways to Save on Energy Consumption Without Going Solar

22 Ways to Save Without Going Solar

energy consumption kansas city

Cutting back on energy consumption saves money and is also good for the environment. If you have been considering methods to cut your energy consumption, here are 22 tips for saving money on your energy bill.

22 Ways To Save

Some of these tips, if not all of them, should help you cut back on energy consumption.

1. Turn off the lights when they’re not in use. They can eat up a lot of energy

2. Change your light bulbs to LEDs. Energy-efficient light bulbs save a lot over a year

3.  Use natural light when possible. Open your curtain, use reflective light or sit outside when possible

4. Clean or replace all the filters in your home regularly. Heater, hot water heater, dryer, AC, anything that needs one. When they are clogged, the appliance works twice as hard with no return

5.  During warmer months, close blinds, shades, and drapes on the sunny side of your home to help keep your home’s temperature cooler and not use the AC

6. Replace old appliances that are not energy efficient. Your old fridge or freezer can be eating up far more energy than necessary

7. If your home has single-pane windows, consider replacing them with more energy-efficient windows, or adding solar shades or tinting film. They keep heat in and out

8. Install a programmable thermostat that will automatically adjust the temperature according to your schedule or not to run while you are not there

9. Turn down your thermostat. Turning it down even one degree can make a huge difference in your energy bill

10. Avoid placing appliances that give off heat, such as lamps or TVs, near a thermostat. It can cause the thermostat to reach it’s capacity too soon, then stop before it’s actually needed

11. Avoid using dishwashers and your washers and dryers during the peak hours, between 4 and 6 PM. It uses less energy over the whole area and keeps your home cooler

12. Use an outdoor clothesline, if possible, instead of a dryer

13. Defrost your fridge and freezer regularly. It has to work overtime when there is a coating of ice

14. Open shades during cooler months to let the sun warm your home.

15. Install dimmer switches; that way you can light a room just as much as you need, but no more. They work extremely well with new LED bulbs

16. Install energy-efficient windows

17. Seal cracks, gaps, leaks, and add insulation can save up to 10% on home heating and cooling costs

18. Wash your clothes in cold water

19. Insulate your home, attic, and garage. Even if these are places you seldom use

20. Keep the refrigerator at the manufacturer’s recommended temperature

21. Get rid of your garage fridge. It’s eating up a lot of energy for those three cans of beer

22. Only boil the amount of water you need, not a full kettle or pan. Leave the lid on while it boils, as it reaches a boil much faster

How Many Do You Do?

It’s amazing how much energy and money you can save by making a few easy adjustments. Most new appliances are built to be energy-efficient and really cut down on energy use.

When you start to make smaller changes, you will actually notice bigger improvements. You don’t need to keep lights on all over, you can turn the heat down a few degrees and try installing a small solar panel, just to see if you find it makes a difference.

#23: Go Solar!

And of course, if you really want to put a dent in your net energy consumption, go solar! Contact us today to get started.